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Working really hard! So many new additions!

Just taking a little break from working on the next big blog. Wanted to slip in some of the updates I’ve been working on, and give you an idea of what else I’ve got on the list.

First off, I’ve been adding to the Dark Horse Characters page. I put up a picture of Kanna and the descriptions for Rhina and Odysseus. Along with that, I’ve been adding some pages about the Dark Horse world, the whole series plan, and more.

Second, I finally made the Dark Horse sample a little easier to maneuver and read. Hope that helps!

Third, I added a painting to the Original Artworks sales. It’s up for grabs–if you like it!

Fourth, I put a picture in the “contact us” page…made it a little more spiffy–a bit more interesting.

Finally, I added a couple links! I like adding pages I’m found of. I’m gonna have to do more of that.

Current Projects for the Site:

Tomorrow I will of course have Devil May Take You page 5 up. I’ll be working hard, so I hope I can get it done by midnight. Please don’t be mad if I don’t! I worked extra at my job all week and didn’t have much time to spend on it…so I had to save the coloring for last minute: aka, tomorrow after work. EEEKK! I’ll try hard, I promise!

After that, I’m gonna get right back into Part 3 of the Obsession blog. I’ve already started it tonight/day, but it’s too much for one night. So you’ll see that hopefully Saturday. I need to give myself a due date for these blogs…maybe it will be on Saturday, since I don’t usually work.

The following project is to finish drawing out the chibi stickers for Dark Horse. I’m excited! I got a great idea for them, and it just happened out of the blue. *mischievous laugh* I can’t wait to do them! When I’m done with the design and color I will get them printed up and add them to the Comic Shop. And they will be colored much better than my web comic–since I have more time to work on it, and I’ll be selling them. I want to produce the best product I can!

And finally, coming soon, I will be putting up a sample of Dark Horse Volume 2. This is a special sneak peek! They’re so new, some pages haven’t even been screen toned! Sooo I am happy to give you a little taste of what’s to come!

Ack! I best get to bed…it’s 3:03 and I still need to brush my teeth! Work tomorrow at 8:30. Poor Maruk-kun! He hates it when I stay up late and don’t go to bed the same time as him. 🙁 Sorry! I must work when I can! He’s so understanding.

Until next time! Thanks always for your visits! I love to hear from you guys! Drop a line sometime 🙂 Jyaa mata!

~The Blue Dragon~

Posted in Newest Additions, Updates.

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