Hey-o! Just got done updating (that was record time…not a lot of distractions at the moment.) Boy is it raining out there tonight!
Well, anyway, also wanted to post a little something so I have a picture here. I’ve been working on Myfanwy, my DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) character, and I feel I’m getting closer to fixing her with the help of the cool people of Manga Tutorials (MT.) What an awesome group of people. You should check it out sometime–there’s art, chats, group boards, and a bunch of other cool stuff. You don’t have to be artsy to enjoy the site 🙂 Here’s the updated sketch:

As you can tell, she's still not done. But I'm getting there! Going to make her legs longer and fix a few other things.
Also, I’ve decided to participate in this season’s Sai Moe competition on MT. Wish me luck! I’ve got the OC (original character) already planned out, and her name selected (I think I’m gonna stick with what I have.) Of course, I’ll post her when she’s done. I’ll probably show progress, as well. Figure, since this is an art site, should keep posting art, right?
That’s all for tonight! Over and out!
The Blue Dragon
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