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Whimper in the Dark Now Updating!

Hey hey what can I say?

Well,ร‚ย Whimper in the Darkร‚ย has it’s page up, though I have a lot of layout work to do ๐Ÿ™‚ It updates every Thursday. So you all can check it out here.
Additionally, here’s a nice little character study of my dog, Julius ๐Ÿ™‚

Dark Horseร‚ย is nearing the end of Act 4! Holy crap! I need to get to work on Act 5 right away! I did work on a few *small* script additions, and I’ve got the cover art drafted. I’ll have a few pages after Act 4, such as the Author’s note, a Web Short, and some other images to help pad the comic until I get a couple pages up and running. Gotta have that cushion ๐Ÿ˜‰

That’s all for tonight, folks! Feel free to ask questions, post comments, look around, enjoy your time ๐Ÿ˜€


Peace out!

Blue Dragon


Posted in Dark Horse Art, The Whimper in the Dark, Updates.

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