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Where to find cerulean dreams…

Nestled deep into the warmth of sleep, there is where you may find comfort and cerulean dreams…

I’ve had quite a few dreams myself lately. Lucky to be able to sleep so soundly in such times of unrest. I’m sure many of you out there have similar thoughts or experiences. Yet in times of turmoil, we all find outlets in which to escape from what troubles us most. Some turn to sports, others to television…and then there’s the dreamers and the readers.

Manga is one of the best ways to find emotional and intellectual gratification. I’m hoping more and more our colleges and institutes of higher learning will embrace the graphic novel and take it more seriously. For although these writings and artistic works are what dreams are made of, they also contribute to culture and critical thinking in many cases. Keep on reading!

Well, if you’re ever out and about on any other social media, find me on these networks!


Ashleen Woods

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More to come 🙂

Posted in Blog: Cerulean Sessions, Updates.

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