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Weekly Manga Review-Check!

Yay! I’m ahead of the game this week! Just posted Ara ta‘s review on the Blue’s Reviews page. Hope you like reading it! I’ve got Devil May Take You scanned in and ready to be colored. Exciting! And I’ve already gotten to work on my next review. Started reading Gin Tama, which promises to be a decent manga.

In other news, I also got my business license today. Yay! So as of now, I am actually a full blown business owner! I’m so excited! This means that pretty soon I’m gonna sign up for the affiliates with google or Amazon. This way, if you think you’d like to buy a manga I’ve reviewed, you can just go straight to it from this site. I think that’s how it works.

Also, having the license means that if you’d like to do business with me, you’re certainly welcome to! Cerulean Dreams is now officially a Publishing company! Yatta! Feel free to come to me if you’d like to learn how to get published! I of course take graphics requests, too. 😀

Okay, well, you guys can look forward to the next installment of Devil May Take You! I hope to get it done either today or tomorrow at the latest! Enjoy the comic, and hope to see you guys next time!

Peace out 😛

Ashleen Woods
The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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