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The Future Upon the Horizon

From here on out, I am beginning the meat of my blog: manga reviews. I wish to create a site that people can go to and read about manga, look at my own work, and make requests if they like.

Just a head’s up: the reviews I do will have spoilers. If you haven’t read the series yet, then I suggest reading only up the to the synopsis, because once we get to the review itself, I like to give in depth analysis, which requires covering the whole work. Gotta do it, can’t help it–I was only one class away from an English major, soooo I’ve pretty much been trained to give away the whole story 😛 Sorry! This is a great section for those who have already gone through a series/manga and want to discuss more about it, or see it through the eyes of others. I totally want your input here, so please leave comments on any page–especially the reviews! I want to know how you feel about a series! That’s what’s bringing us all together as a community, after all.

I hope you enjoy reading my reviews!
I’ll talk to you all later!

Ashleen Woods
The Blue Dragon

Posted in The Miscellany, Updates.

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