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“Sexy” Santa Contest…and Updates!

Weekly updates! Weekly updates!

I’m feeling so “blah” today, being ill and all. But look how much I love my readers! I’m posting anyway!

Well, today there’s a lot I want to get done. So I’m going to try to work on The Gallery, while also updating the web-comic.

I got three new commissions, this time for a role-playing game. So I’ll have some examples of role-play characters up in the requests as soon as I get those done 🙂 Happy about that!

I also had a job interview today (I know, right, being sick and all–eeking out sympathy from you.) I feel okay about it…I hope I get it. Wish me luck!

This was for Flipside's "Sexy Santa" contest. I'll let you know if I win or not.

Okay, well I guess it’s time to head out and get some updates done. I would like to add a forum to this site, as well, but I can’t get a hold of my Web-Site man (grrr…pick up your phone!) Til next time!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, Updates.

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