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Posts a little late

Good evein’ then!

Right, as you have probably come to guess, this post is to let you know my post is gonna be late. And you might be thinking

“Why is she posting this instead of the actual post?”


“Why isn’t she just letting it be late?”


“No one reads this anyway, so who is this crazy talking to?”

Well, I just like to give a heads up in case someone is out there. And, this is much quicker to type than a long review. Plus, I am in the process of drawing the next page of Devil May Take You. It’s almost done, but I’ve been a very busy girl this week with end of the season events. Plus, I spoiled everyone last week with so much, I have to slack off now.

Well, I’m not slacking off, but I will be a bit late. You’ll get the posts and new page before the end of the week.


Ashleen Woods
TheBlue Dragon

Posted in The Miscellany, Updates.

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