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Hey Peoples!

Got the next Dark Horse page is up! Actually, two pages, cause it’s a two page spread. Sorry it’s so small, but I couldn’t make them any bigger and keep them lined up. You can always click on the close ups if you can’t read the text (I think it’s worse on the left page, than on the right.)

Also, wanted to put up a work in progress. I’ve been working on this Billy Idol painting for Marc, and it’s almost done now. I’ve just got to add some “metal plates” at the bottom and write the birthday message, or “to Marc” or something. Hm…haven’t figured what I want to write yet…I’m already a couple months late, but he seems to be cool with it.

Here’s the picture:

Billy Idol...Rock Idol 🙂

Okay, well, I best get this posted! Til next time! Oh, I think I may, in “Total Randomness” post a play list of some of my favorite Halloween songs. And maybe post some cool costumes like last year. We’ll see.

Peace out!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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