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One Comic, coming Right Up!

Yay! Next page of Devil May Take You is up and ready for your viewing pleasure.

Oh, and here’s something fun! I got Oisinn done for the sticker sheet. I don’t have the rain special effects for him, though, not yet.

Oh! I’m totally gonna post this. My friend, who’s gone to A-cen (Anime Central) and worked behind the scenes and such since it’s conception, introduced me to this AWESOME video a couple years ago. It’s been redone I think to fix the voice recording of Masato, but I like this version so much better.

I do not own these fan videos. I’m just sharing them with the rest of the world because everyone should see it. And if you’ve watched Evangelion, all the better!

I give you all, Evangelion, Re: Death!!!!!

(actually, again, I didn’t make this, so…I’m just showing it.)


Have fun with these, I know I did! 🙂

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Total Randomness, Updates.

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