It’s 3:20 in the morning! Yay for insane staying up waaaaay later than one should when they need to wake up at 9:00 the next morning!
Why yes, yes I have lost my mind, in case you were wondering.
There is a purpose to this post, though. Two things!
1) I got the Gin Tama manga review up for this week. Surprise! Yay!
2) I also got the next sticker for the sheet done. It’s Kanna!
3) I am beginning work on Oisinn (well, he’s not on the character page yet, sooooo no one knows who he is. Unless you’ve read volume 1 (which…is not likely) in which case, he’s in it, but you don’t know it! *Did you notice I added a third thing…mwha ha ha! I can’t count!
Here’s Kanna, so you can see the progress I’ve made. Now, the Rhina sneek peak sticker doesn’t have the rain. This one does. Take a look!
Pretty spiffy? Well, I’m at least proud of her. She took so much hard work! All adding all that value! Shading and whatnot. Well, I am plugging right along getting those stickers done, so soon I’ll have something else to offer in the comic store. Stop on by and take a look! There’s other stuff in the Original Art Section, too.
Well, I need to get my beauty sleep because I gots to get my picture taken. Whoot!
Actually, I’ll probably be indiscernable, because I’m getting my picture taken with a massive crowd of people, all helping with the re-enactment of the 1860 Lincoln Rally Photo. I’ll have a big dress on, anyway, so it’ll be fun.
See ya next time! Jyaa mata!
The Blue Dragon
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