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More Progess…

Well, D-Day (Due Day?) is coming soon. I have to get to work, since I’ll be home for Thanksgiving and presumably useless regarding any art working. Was in the studio the other night and tonight. Slowly getting done. Trying to take suggestions from faculty while still retaining what I want. I don’t really care what certain symbols mean to others–images have many different meanings, and I’m well aware of many of them (it’s hard to think perhaps I’m more well read than people assume?)


Anyway, not bitching just saying, I know what a tree symbolizes, but there are ways to changing that meaning or using that idea and flipping it. This has nothing to do with the image I’m posting, aside from they’re all part of the same series.

Here’s an update of one I’ve been working more on than the others: it’s near completion. Personal subject matter, but hopefully some of it comes across.


Poor picture quality. My apologies. I am also well aware the arm needs work. Needs to be smaller for sure and is off. I’ll figure it before cleaning it up.

I keep meaning to post an update of the egg tempera crow. It’s pretty much finished as much as I’m going to work on it. So I’ll try to remember to get a photo of it 🙂


More to come later!


The Blue Dragon

Posted in Regular Art.

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