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In the Works….


I’m really happy about how patient you all are. I just finished up with my summer job, and so I’m only now getting around to updating things. Never fear! I’ll have two new Devil May Take You pages up before the end of this week. And I plan on having two manga reviews as well.

You may have noticed I just posted an amazon box…with no text or explanation.


I’m trying to get my affiliates program up and running, so I’ve been fiddling around with search boxes and the like…but I don’t think I should have put it there….maybe it should be on the manga review list….I’ll see what I can do.

Sometime soon I’m gonna try to set up that Paypal account, also. So hopefully that will make purchasing things easier for people.

And, as always, I’m gonna keep posting free comics, too, because I know there are many like me who don’t have the cash to spend all the time on manga (though somehow, I still manage to buy manga anyway…hm…)

I’ve got my BEEEEzzznazzz licence…er…business license now, so if you need any character designs or whatnot, let me know! Now I’m  official! Yay for officiality!

I made that word up, thank you. I’m just a regular Shakespeare, aren’t I?

Okay, I best get back to work. See ya’ll later!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in The Miscellany, Updates.

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