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Hello Everybody!

It’s the time again! Got Dark Horse updated, so you can go check it out! It’s a two-page COLOR (Whoo! Color!) spread! Hope you all have fun reading it.

I’ve, as you know, have also been working on Christmas presents. I’ve got a color rendering of her now, but background I’m working on tonight. So here’s what I got now:

I’m hoping to hurry up and get started on my sister’s mermaid soon. I did a little to mess around with her ideas…but then she said she wanted her to look like this one Victoria Secret’s model o_O. So back to the drawing board (literally.)

I’ll be sure to post her up here when I get it. And I’m thinking of making my digital renderings of mom’s painting (which is gonna be a little different) available to buy. You’ll find it in the Shop later on.

Well, since the updates are done, I better get back to work. I’ll be back next week to update.

Jyaa mata!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, Updates.

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