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Head’s Up

Just a little comment about the status of Dark Horse comic, and other postings. I’ve been working a ton of overtime, making presents, working a second part time job, and planning a two day tour with some people I know. Long and the short of it, I haven’t had time to work on screen toning. I have one more page up and ready to go, and I may be able to get one more page toned and ready for next time. However, I had to draw some new pages to fix the continuity of the comic, and have it make a little more sense in the up coming pages (they were all done and drawn before I worked on future “scripts” for later Acts, and they didn’t include important plot lines.) So after the next two pages, it may take me a while to get back on schedule.

I hope to get some of my projects posted soon, though.  I have a mixed media painting I did for Marc for Christmas, and I have some crochet and sewing projects I’d like to share, too. So, that’s that on what’s going on right now.

Do look for the next page coming soon! If I have a chance on Sunday, I’ll post it then, otherwise, I should have time on December 28th!

Happy Christmas everyone!

Blue Dragon


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