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Getting Caught Up

Ah man,

I’ve been so swamped lately! Just got a commission for a comic! Yay! So I’ll have that on my plate in addition to updating this weekly. But I did get page 17 of Devil May Take  You finished, and I have already scanned page 18. It’s ready for coloring!

Oh! We’re almost to Part 3, by the way! I think there’s only three more pages, and then we’ll be there to Part 3! I’m excited for that. All together there are I think 7 Parts…don’t quote me on that cause I don’t have the scripts/story in front of me. I’m going off of memory.

Oh, and I got the review of Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad done. Before the week’s out I’m going to try to have Gin Tama done soon. I hope to get a lot done this week…a lot more than last week, anyhow.

I’m getting the characters done for the Chibi Sticker sheet I was working all those months ago! I’ve got three characters done! Yay! So that should be posted and up for sale soon.

Well, I’ll keep you guys posted! Thanks for everything!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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