So I wasn’t sure if I’d have a chance to post anything, since I’ve been at Gen Con, but seems as though I’ve got some free time in my schedule 😀
Here’s some pictures:

In the hotel Marriot with four friends. This is our view.

A nifty Theatre by the Embassy Hotel, where some of the events I attended were held.

Old School (Adam West) Batman.

Super Girl!

If anyone knows who this dude is cosplaying as, please let me know!

And Captain Kirk and the Joker.
Last thing I’d like to post is a mock-up of a commission I’ve completed (except for the cover, which this is just a mock-up, as I’ve said.) I need to scan in the finished image so the lines are cleaner. I am also making a few changes that were requested, including adding some buildings.
Okay! That’s all I have time for today. I hope to post some more later 🙂
~Blue Dragon
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