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Finally getting back to work here…

I have been away far too long. But I do have a lot to show for the time away! I have been working on a commission, and am happy with how things are going so far! The comic’s going to be longer than we first expected, but it seems to be a good thing, since the world the author created is so in depth. We’re only touching the surface with the comic we’re working on now. I hope he decides to do other volumes!

I can’t just leave you all with no graphics! I’m tumbling around a few ideas for a one-shot manga I want to do with the Glam look (you know, like David Bowie, Marc Bolan, and Lady Gaga.) Nothing’s solidified yet, but here’s a rough sketch for the main character. It needs work, but I thought I’d put it up here for show.

So this week I’ll be getting back to posting manga reviews. The web comic is on hiatus because my old computer’s screen’s out, and I have to travel to campus to scan. I should be there next week sometime, so hopefully I can add a new page.

Also, I’ve been thinking about this ever since a friend of mine suggested it, and I think maybe this is the way to go. I’m going to start having Dark Horse be a free web comic here. I already have some pages posted, and they’re already downloaded onto the computer, so the computer problem’s not going to interfere at least with Volume 1.  It’ll still be up for sale, if you’d like a hard copy. I hope to print some copies myself sometime, and lower the price, but right now I’m working off what the publishers sent me–so those stay the same. Alas!

Hm…what else am I to write? I guess nothing right now, but I am sorry I have neglected the site for so long, and I’m hoping to get some serious work done here tomorrow or later in the week.

As always, thanks for visiting!

Jyaa mata!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in The Miscellany, Updates.

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