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End of the Year Chaos!

Oh my goodness, I think I’m gonna die!

Naw, I’m just flooded with a ton of work! I just finished my submission for the Manga Tutorials Saemoe Contest. I’m posting it here first 🙂

This is of Sakura (er…Shimiko, but her nickname is Sakura.) She’s in Dark Horse but hasn’t appeared yet. I’ve got her written into the script, though. I think she enters in Act 3 or 4. One or the other. She’s only 12, but a child prodigy, and she has telekinesis! What more could you want? Er…maybe some people skills. She’s holding a little fox dæmon named Tojyo. He has not been written in yet, but I plan to put him somewhere.

Later in the week I’ll be adding the comic page. I’ve still got a lot of work to do, and may have a new commission coming in (wish me luck!) Of course, I will post those submissions here, and as soon as I have a few, I’m going to set up a gallery page. You can submit art, too. Just send it to our e-mail:

Hope everyone had a nice holiday! I’ll get some more stuff up here soon 🙂

Posted in Updates.

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