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Don’t Forget You Can Get Off the Conveyor!

So….yeah, just singing this song here:

Start at 13:21, I just can’t find this song anywhere that’s the actual version :/ Youtube…love hate relationship. <>

Because I just spent all day (aside from two walks to the gas station-because I was lacking .10 for my purchase-and walkies for Julius…and a run for some Almond Dream ice-cream, the cheapest “vegan” ice-cream I could find) working on Paige’s Commission! I wish I could do art full time, get off “the conveyor” and just do my own thing 😉

Here’s some stuff I did. It took all day because of the stones. ~Le sigh. But I’m happy with it! I really like how these babies turned out 😀


When viewing this image think:

And finally:


I’ve also been working on my buffer for Dark Horse, Act 3. Got 3 pages done!!!! Yay!


Well, I’ll have more soon! Enjoy the songs (if you’re checking out Reverend and the Makers, I love “Heavy Weight Champion of the World,” too! Give it a go ; ) )


~Blue Dragon~

Posted in Commissions, Total Randomness, Updates.

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