Got a bit of a delay updating Dark Horse–sorry to my readers! With the holidays and some other things that have popped up I probably won’t get to it until this weekend. I received more hours at work, plus I’ve been wrapping presents and getting that sort of stuff ready and done (I don’t like to shop last minute and deal with all the crowds–zoinks!)
I’ll be changing the update day to probably Sunday, seeing as that’s the only day I don’t work right now. *Phew* I’ve also been trying to finish some art for presents, and I may have a commission coming here shortly! I’m gonna have to manage my time a little better so I don’t miss updates as much.
Over the break I didn’t have any of my art supplies down home! So Mom let me break into her oil pastels (something I don’t use much) and I fiddled around and made this.
By no means is it a work of art, but I hate to leave a bare post! Hope you enjoyed your holiday, if you celebrated. And if not, Happy November!
The Blue Dragon
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