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Dark Horse Page Finally Up

Sorry about that. I worked late on Wednesday and didn’t feel up to posting. Then tonight when I got off work, I was ensnared in cartoons and anime. I lost track of time before I realized that whoops…it was already Friday morning!

But, the page is up now, so I hope you enjoy it! Here’s some art I’m working on, though I have a lot of mistakes to fix. It’s for the up coming Sai Moe Contest! Yay!

I need to fix her legs, face a bit, and her body. Uh...that's the whole image, pretty much 🙁

And this is another part of the character:

I need to fix her left (our right) foot. And maybe work on the waste a bit. Mr. Catfish does not have a name.

Well, I’ll be back on later! Cheers!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Updates.

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