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Construction on Site

Man, these long nights are gonna kill me!

Just a head’s up here. I’m redoing how I have the “shopping” items and pages set up. It’s been very unorganized, so I want to make things a little easier to find and look at.

I’ve got the next web comic page scanned, so I’ll be working on coloring it tomorrow–aka, when I wake up later today. I also have almost finished the next review. Just holding off on that because my wireless router has been giving me crap, and I have to work off my MAC–it’s kinda old and the Internet moves slow on it to no fault of the wireless provider. I need my laptop for this updating stuff!

Um…what else? I just got done working on a bumper sticker to advertise this site! Here’s what it looks like:

It took a lot of time to color and make the background. Well, the white clouds in front at least took more work. I had fun with it, though! It’ll be fore sale when I get the pages up and running.

I want to do a “shop” graphic, also, like the contacts page. It’ll be something like this:

I’m also going to be entering a Moe character contest, so when that’s all over and done with (or at least when I finish the character,) I’ll post it here.

Gah! I need to sleep. I’m addicted to the computer! This is not good. Well, I might not be here so long if this loaded a little quicker. But I love my MAC! It’s been here for me, when my old 1999 computer wasn’t (believe it or not, I still use that old one for my scans…I need a new one!)

So that’s what’s up. Hope you’re all doing well!

See ya!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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