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Commission Coming along!

I have yet to decide if I want to do this in mixed medium colored pencil/water colors, or just do it all online. I had to use white out on the inked drawings…so unless I want to chance it again and re-ink, I may have issues unless I use colored pencil over the white out. ~Le sigh, I need to improve using ink.

Or I need new nibs :/ One or the other. Or both.

Here’s a colored version of Pot and Tug:


I have been having a ton of fun with this commission! I will give you a sneak peak of some later images I haven’t inked yet, too 🙂





That’s all for now! Keep checking back for more! And don’t forget to keep up with Dark Horse, updated every Sunday at 12:00am 😀


Have a great weekend everyone!


~The Blue Dragon~

Posted in Updates.

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