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Comic Update!

Okay, told you I was going to get around to updating Dark Horse. I finally got it finished! Yay! The art’s a little bit different from the rest of the chapter because I had to completely redo it, but I don’t think it’ll stand out too badly. I HOPE I have made some improvements on my style. Trying to get better and better 😀

Well, not much to say other than I’ll keep plugging away at the comic. I have been finishing the last two pages for Act 3 (drawing) and intend to begin inking soon. That should be exciting! At least for me, especially since I have like 10 acts written out and only three drawn D: I envy the dude from Flipside, because he’s got great talent and actually keeps the comic updated three days a week! Sheesh! By the way, speaking of web-comics, I think I’m going to revamp my links page soon. There are lots of comics I keep up with, but haven’t added. And a lot of the comics I have up there are either discontinued (and unfinished, grrrr!) or are updated very slowly (like I have room to talk, right?) That’s something to look forward to.

I hope to have more DnD art up soon, too. Not my character, Myfanwy, but another character from the Manga Tutorials DnD thread, one called Claudia. I’ll give you a sneak peak here:

New television series: "I, Claudia" Mwha ha ha, if you get the joke.

Well, that’s all for now! See ya around!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, Total Randomness, Updates.

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