Gah, almost done at last! I love to do stuff, but this has been very…not stressful…just…hm…
It’s kept me very busy, and I have gotten very little sleep. But that’s how I work best, I guess. I have finished my other cousin’s Not-So-Yellow Submarine painting. It’s in the vain of Warhol 😀 I used complementary and contrasting colors. I just used the color wheel. I forget the official formula and how to do it…so I winged it. Hope I did it right!
I actually shortened the submarine up a bit…oh well, we used to ride the short bus, so uh, she can ride the short sub!
And lastly, I painted a candy jar for my dad. I’ll post it later. It’s not done yet (yikes, I got a couple hours to finish!
Hope you all have a Happy Christmas!
The Blue Dragon
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