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Been about a month…time to post!

Ugh, I’m sorry for not posting more. So much going on–we finally are unionized though! Whoo hoo! Still soooo much work to be done!


Anywho, I’m going to be taking some classes this fall, and eventually will also be applying full on to Graduate School. What’s this mean? Well, less time for posting…which I’ve been neglecting anyway, but more art being produced! In fact, I have some works in progress I’d like to share tonight! Tomorrow I may also have time to post some of the commission I’m working on.

Here’s one I started a couple weeks ago. Very personal…yadda yadda…most art is. Anyway, it’s called “Remembering Disrememberance,” and is a reflection on my past; a certain person who inspired me to do what I felt I should regarding college, rather than just focusing on what I thought would get me a job, and a lot of other stuff. So there’s that…

Kinda not so good of a photo, since it’s on the basement floor, but it’s not done yet, so I’ll have another at some point.


And this one is about Glam Rock and Pop Art, but it’s just in it’s VERY preliminary stages. I still need to get a canvas, unless I decide to keep this on bristol board. Look! It’s not manga-style! I can break with that style when I want to…it’s just not something I usually feel like doing. But sometimes I do. And you’ll be seeing more of this type of stuff. Gotta expand my horizons a bit.


I worked on some other stuff, too, but that’s all I’m posting for now. Dark Horse updates tonight, so be sure to check it out!!! We’re almost to the end of Act 3!!!!


Blue Dragon signing out!



Posted in Updates.

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