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Art Stuffs and Very Loose Review of Art Pop

Since I no longer have Internet, I was unable to post a page of Dark Horse last week. I had it finished, though! I’ll be posting today or tomorrow, so I don’t fall behind.

Well, for those who celebrate, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! Looking forward to Christmas this year, so I can finally see my family again! It’s been a while since I had a chance to head home 🙁

I have some projects in the work for gifts this year, so just as with last year, I’ll try to post things I’ve been making. More crafts than “art” this year.


At some point I’ll be working on a short/one-shot manga featuring Glam elements, since I love that type of music (in addition to all the other genres I enjoy *Beatles*) So, in honor of this, I’m going to do a very short review of Lady Gaga’s (like Lady Stardust…I think she even used to sing with some Chick who called her self that) new CD. It would be pointless for me to go back and review the Glam greats because, well, that’s all been done a million times. So why not tackle something new?

I have been listening to the new Lady Gaga CD quite a bit over the Thanksgiving holiday. There’s a lot that works with this album, and a few things that I feel could have been better. All in all, I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit, and like the “Art” theme of this one. You see more strongly the Glam Rock/Art influence on this album, although I would argue it was there on The Fame, also (Bowie fans will know what I’m talking about.) Click on the images to view their original sources. Please consider that my citation for the photos 😀

If you watch the “Applause” video, you’ll see a part where her face is painted all slipshod, as well as the above image which appears less frequently than the afore mentioned imagery. Compare it to David Bowie on the Scary Monsters album cover, or even the “Life on Mars” video. I think you’ll see the obvious throw-back this portion of Gaga’s video is giving to Glam God David Bowie. Also, the first line of the song is referencing (almost certainly,) Marc Bolan’s song (with T-Rex, I believe following the departure of Steve Peregrin Took from the two-man band) “Bang a Gong (Get it On).” T-Rex was one of the first Glam Bands, even before David Bowie (although their roots is are more…I don’t know how to describe. Just listen to the Unicorn album and you’ll know what I mean. Trippy British folk? I dunno.)

There’s also something of an alien/greek god(dess)/outer space theme going on in the second track of the album–Venus. *I’d like to see someone make a good Sailor Moon video to this song* But all that aside, you can tell there was some glam/Bowie influence here. Granted, it’s very pop. And it doesn’t have much substance to it, but it’s still a fun tune. I like it.

Well, I got more research to do for my second job (social media stuff) so until next time!


The Blue Dragon

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