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And your Little Dog, too!

This is pretty unique. Plus, I have a Boston, so I had to post this! You can see a whole slew of cute, and weird, dog costumes on the original website. Click the image to go there 🙂

Too cute! I thought about throwing Julius into something like this…but then decided it was too much work and would cost to much! Looks like he’s gonna be a dinosaur this year. A blue one. Because…that’s what I have lying around! And Marc said “NO” to the purple material I had. Guess he doesn’t like Barney, eh?

I meant to post this yesterday when I was updating Dark Horse, but then I got side tracked, and then I got lazy, and then I started working on my own costume, and finally I said “meh, I’ll post this tomorrow.”

And so I am.

If you find any really cool costumes out there, or made one and want it posted here, just drop me a line and I’ll add your image!

Okay, so Dark Horse Volume One is getting posted really fast…I need to kick it in the butt and start screen toning Volume Two. Man, I procrastinate waaaaay too much. I prefer to have stuff done ahead of schedule. Hm… I’ll have to get onto that this weekend or something.

Anywho! Righto, I guess I’ll close. Hope you enjoy the costume I found! I promise to post a picture of Julius’ costume if I actually get around to making it. I better hurry!


The Blue Dragon

Posted in Total Randomness, Updates.

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