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And Now for Something, Completely Different: Introductory Manga for those just showing Interest

I guess it’d be a little redundant to tell you all that I’m a huge fan of manga. Well, manga especially, but comics in general. And gosh dang-it, I just can’t help myself–I try to convert as many people as possible into manga fans. My boyfriend, even, I’m slowly getting in to anime, and from there, we’ll see if I can get him hooked on manga. But if you’re like me, you try to spread the good word as much as you can. The only problem is, how the heck do you get someone into something they’ve no desire to get into? For most, it’s just a matter of not knowing what they’re missing out on…so here, I’m gonna give out a couple suggestions to those of you who truly want to get some more people passionate about you’re obsession. And I’m gonna do it, by telling about how I got a couple people interested and what series I chose to show them.

Now, keep in mind, as with anything, there are people who are just gonna say “hey, this is totally not my thing…pantie flashes and crazy monsters just don’t do the trick for me.” But, for those who are open to new things and just need a little push in the right direction, this may be the trick for them. Oh, by the way, if you’re reading this and you’re not a fan of manga, but got here by accident or because you know me, please, please give this a go! If you like pictures, and comics, and substance, there’s a good chance you’ll like manga: at least the series I suggest which are big amongst lots of “non-manga” people (…or people who aren’t Otaku.)

This is gonna be a three part post. I want to address different groups of people, because although I read just about anything, there are those out there who look specifically for subject matter pertaining to women, or aimed at men, or whatever. So this is gonna be split into the following groups:

  • Chicks
  • Dudes
  • Other? or “I take it Both Ways”

I like my titles, so sorry if they offend anyone–that’s not the intention, at all.

Also, I’m gonna begin Part One in a different post, just so that if you’re looking for a specific group, you don’t have to read all this to get to the goodies. I’ll begin “chicks” tonight…er…this morning. Whatever day and time it is.

Sooooooo without any further ado, I present to you, “How to make Your Obsession, Their Obsession”*

*By the way, if it doesn’t work, please don’t hate me! I can’t promise the impossible to those who don’t come around!

Okay! Having said that, I’m gonna get started on the next post!

~The Blue Dragon~

Posted in All You Need to know about Manga, Blog: Cerulean Sessions.

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