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A Lesson in Genres, Part 2

Another bonus picture. This one is of Marc. We were out at the bars one night, and I took a photo of him, so here it is! In manga style, of course!

Part 2, coming right up! I’m happy to get back to work on this! I’ve been outside doing a ton of yard work lately! Blah! Actually, to be honest, I like it. I have a nice herb garden in the front, with different little cheap statues and dragons, and then in the back I have  a great big garden that I’ve been working the ground so I can plant some seeds. I’ve got the tomatoes and Swiss shard already planted! Yay!

Time to get down to business! We wrap the the rest of the genres I’ve picked out here. If I’m missing one, or there’s a term you’d like defined, but isn’t here, please drop me a line and let me know. Enjoy!


Pronounced: koe*doe*moe

This is manga angled at little kids. It’s extremely cute and doesn’t tackle difficult concepts. It’s pretty much self explanatory, but just as there are children’s books in our culture, kodomo manga is manga for kids. They often times have little morals to the story, kinda like Aesop’s fables does, and teaches children to be kind and considerate.

Example of kodomo:

  1. Doraemon
  2. Swans in Space
  3. Gon


Pronounced: loe*lee*kon

I edited this out, because I’m not comfortable promoting this type of comic. If you read manga, you know what it is. If you don’t, then all the better.


Pronounced: mo*a

Just like bishoujo and bishounen, this is actually not a genre at all. It’s a type of female character: specifically young girls just beginning to enter their teens (“blossoming” or “budding” is the term I found on wikipedia.) It’s kinda popular right now, so I hear. A typical moe character would be Sasami from the Tenchi Muyo! series, especially in the anime spin off Sasami: Magical Girls Club. Moe’s kind of a broad term, because it can encompass any specific characteristics that a person likes in their favorite characters. For example, I might say I tend to like…uh…girl characters who are quiet and shy. Or…you  might say, you like bubbly out going characters. Moe is different from lolicon, because it lacks sexual connotation. These characters are just young and cute.

Example of manga with moe characters:

  1. Lucky Star
  2. Evangelion (Rei is said the be the ultimate “moe”)
  3. Gunslinger Girl (borderline lolicon? I apologize if it is D: I haven’t read it)


Pronounced: sayee*nay*n

This is a genre aimed at older teens and college students. It’s a little more serious and down to earth than some shounen (for younger teens. We’ll get there, I promise!) So seinen, targeted at an older audience, will often times have more “adult” situations, and is characterized often with a lot of violence. Topics tend to be more serious, and less comedic (not to say it never uses comedy.) Actually, I listed Gunslinger Girl as a having moe characters, but the series is itself is considered to be seinen.

Example of seinen:

  1. Togari
  2. Mushishi
  3. Black Lagoon


Pronounced: shyo*ta*cone

I edited this out, because I’m not comfortable promoting this type of comic. If you read manga, you know what it is. If you don’t, then all the better.


Pronounced: shyo*jyo

Yay! We finally made it to shoujo! I love shoujo. This is a genre that’s aimed at girls. Like, teen girls. And yeah, I know, I’m out of my teens, but I still like romance and stuff like that! So here we are, this is probably one of the most popular genres there is…that and shounen. This genre covers a lot of different subjects, like fantasy, or sports, or music, or the like, but they almost all have some kind of love interest.

Example of shoujo:

  1. Sailor Moon
  2. Fruits Basket
  3. Ceres

    • Shoujo Ai

      “Ai” means “love” in Japanese. Like “aishiteru” is the verb, “to love.” So this translates into “girls love” and can be considered similar to yuri (girl on girl action,) but far less explicit. Like crushes.


Pronounced: shyo*nay*n

I like shounen a lot, too. Actually, when it comes to genres, I’m not too picky. Shounen manga is aimed at boys, usually in early to late teens (manga targeted at older males is again, seinen.) The genre is characterized by large amounts of action, comedy, and a camaraderie between various male characters. The characters tend to grow through a shounen series, learning about life, friendship, and  sometimes love (though not in the same way you find in shoujo.)

Example of shounen:

  1. Full Metal Alchemist
  2. Bleach
  3. One Piece

    • Shounen Ai

      Same as with “shoujo ai,” shounen ai translates into “boys love,” and can be considered similiar to yaoi (boy meets boy,) but once more, far less explicit.


Pronounced: yow*ee

Yaoi is manga who’s theme in guy love. The focus is on the love relationship between two, or more guys (sometimes there are love triangles.) Often times, you’ll find a more experienced male wooing a younger guy to fall in love with him.  Yaoi can get explicit at times, and is usually most popular amongst girls: though certainly there are many guys out there who like yaoi, as well. I’m picky about my yaoi, but I’m starting to open up to and read more.

Example of yaoi:

  1. Gakuen Heaven
  2. Yuri to Yura
  3. Crazy for You


Pronounced: yew*ree

Yuri is the same as yaoi, only it’s girls, kinda like Michiko and Haruka in Sailor Moon. It also romantic in nature, sometimes. But it varies (as with any genre.) I don’t think I’ve actually read any yuri yet–but I am certainly going to find some so I can become an better authority on this genre.

Example of yuri:

  1. Shoujo Bigaku
  2. Eru-Eru Sister
  3. Girl Friends

I’m really glad I got this one done! I’ve been wanting to write my own notes on different manga genres anyway, so this has been a lesson for me, too! I can’t take credit for all this information: I mean, some of this stuff I new off the top of my head, but was a great help! So that’s my “citation.”

By next Saturday I’ll have my next post up. I’d like to to have a new post more often than that, but I’ve been a bit busy lately. However, if I get done sooner, all the better! It’s always a good idea to stop by often! I’ll see you guys next time!

Ashleen Woods
The Blue Dragon

Posted in All You Need to know about Manga, Blog: Cerulean Sessions.

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