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Another Completed Image

I’ve been so busy, I’m running out of my buffer of Dark Horse and moving slowly on the commission on which I’m working!


But I got a bit done this weekend. Almost completed a page for Dark Horse, and I got the following image completed for Paige’s Commission:

The reason why it took so long to complete this one, is because of all the layers required for Tug’s outfit. I had to keep adding colors beneath to accurately convey the sheer material, which was took a lot of back and forth. I do clothes, skin, details, shadows, accessories and such are all on separate layers so I can tweak certain parts without effecting others. I also had trouble deciding what I wanted the background to be. I hope it looks okay!


I plan to do more work this weekend. Hopefully I’ll have something new to post 😀


Thanks all!


Blue Dragon

Posted in Commissions.

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