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No Delays in Posts!

Good day everyone!

Well, I was kinda gloom and doom in my previous post. I really didn’t think I’d get a chance to work on any screen toning, but as it turns out, I got two more pages done, and I finished inking the page I’m adding. So I shouldn’t have any trouble scanning it and hopefully toning it. I have been working a lot of overtime, but as we just got back from Winter Break, I think I’ll take it easy and not jump right in hard core (the students don’t know we’re here yet–at least, not most of them.)

Also worked a bit more on the script for Act…I think it’s 14. That or Act 12. I am pretty far out, so far as story-boarding goes. It’s just drawing, inking, screening, and uploading that take a bit. Well, hopefully I’ll be able to get a lot done this year, and I want to thank you all for dropping by to check out the site!

At some point I’ll be posting some images in this thread, just not much to post at the moment. Also, since I didn’t make it clear, Dark Horse was updated this past Sunday, so there is a new page ready for viewing.

I’m hoping to at some point ask around and see if anyone knows how to do Comic Press, so I can make this site more comic friendly. We’ll see what happens with that.

Have a Happy New Year everyone! Let’s hope for the best in 2014!


The Blue Dragon

Posted in Updates.

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