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Christmas presents!!!!!

Hey, you’ll notice I got the Dark Horse update done a little early this week (it’s still “this week!” Not Sunday yet :P) I have it on my list to do more screen toning this weekend. But I’ve mostly been working on Christmas presents for this year. I’m dead broke! No! So I’m making stuff for people. Mom was nice enough to by me some canvas and paints, so I’m painting her and my sister mermaids (per request.)

Here is what Mom’s mermaid is gonna look like:

She's the Pearly Queen, from a Traffic Song.

Don’t worry, I did finish her tail. It just wouldn’t fit in one image on the scanner. I’m gonna fix up fins and the pearls in Photoshop. Mom wanted a mermaid version of “Pearly Queen.” Here’s the song, I love it!

Also, I have an update on my DnD character! Myfanwy is finally done! I just have to color her.

Myfanwy, the Warrior.

Once I get my sister’s (Meghan) image done, I’ll post it. It’s basically going to be a copy of a picture my mom has in her bathroom. So it won’t be as original…but that’s what she wants. That’s fine by me, cause I used to have to copy artwork in my courses on campus 🙂

Declan’s (my nephew) is getting a “pokemon” colorbook I’m drawing and printing off, and I’m making a paper mache Go-Go (crazy bones) house. 🙂 Storm The Castle has awesome craft ideas, so if you’re interested, you should check it out! That’s where I got my paper mache paste recipe. I think Mom wants me to sew some bat creature thing for him, too. o_O I forget the brand of toy it’s supposed to look like, but she said they cost $20 at the store, and they’re not very big. Hm….we’ll see if I can sew that well.

Well, I’m closing this post now. I’ll be back to update next week! Have a fun weekend!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Total Randomness, Updates.

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